
Benefits of Silence

Here is the link to an article: “Why Silence Is So Good For Your Brain” by Carolyn Gregoire. You may have to copy the link and paste it in your browser in order for it to come up. http://www.dailygood.org/story/1237/why-silence-is-so-good-for-your-brain-carolyn-gregoire/ Sign up to receive our emails! Name: Email:   Powered by Knowtify Thanks for signing up!

How Walking in Nature Changes the Brain.

Here is a wonderful article in the New York TImes about the benefits of being in nature. Check it out. Maybe it is time to schedule some extended time in green space at Christ in the Wilderness. How Walking in Nature Changes the Brain BY GRETCHEN REYNOLDS A walk in the park may soothe the […]


Grateful, I am for this place of respite. The silence supports my desire to go deep within and listen there. With the quiet, I can hear my heart beat and it is as if God is tapping in my heart, reminding me that I am never alone. I leave strengthened by the reminder of who […]

A “Free-Range” Childhood

The Board of Directors of Christ in the Wilderness met for the annual visit to the retreat center in Stockton, Illinois. We start every meeting with a prayer but for this extended time, our prayer experience was also extended. We read collectively, we listened, and went around the room to read individually. The guided meditation […]

Nightly Increase

On July 1, 2015, we will be going up to $65 per night. This is done in order to keep up with increasing costs of operating Christ in the Wilderness. We look forward to your continued support. Sign up to receive our emails! Name: Email:   Powered by Knowtify Thanks for signing up!